Sunday, October 08, 2006

#23--a new beginning

Here we are, at last! I'm so excited to be on the 23rd discovery! It's been a grand adventure. I will say that I learned so much more than I thought I would. I have always considered myself somewhat savvy (and I say that in the loosest form possible) in the computer world, but so much of what Learning 2.0 offered was new to me! It was great to see what is out there to continue to educate myself and share with others. I would definitely be willing to take part in another discovery program, and this time I would be a bit more prepared by knowing how much work it actually takes!

When we took a look at the 7 1/2 habits, I had mentioned that confidence was probably my weakest one. I'm not sure that I've conquered that one (it could take a lifetime!) but I'm so much more confident at these few things, 23 to be exact. As I continue to learn information, my confidence grows.

I think one of the discoveries that I will continue to use is Flickr, which I truly enjoyed (once I got the hang of it). I can share pictures with friends and family just by sending them to the Flickr website. I can also organize them by putting tags on them. We're even thinking of opening an account in our dept (SOR's children's dept) to keep all of the pictures we take here. I will also continue to use YouTube, which is mainly just fun!

Thanks to everyone who gave us this opportunity to expand our minds!


HeleneB said...

Congratulations on making it to the end!!! I'm so pleased to hear that you enjoyed the journey. For your reward ... of course an MP3 player is on its way!!! Enjoy! and thanks for participating


Lori said...

You did a great job! I have confidence in you!