Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Wow! This is such a great tool! I've chosen to look at the Google word processor, Writely. I checked out Zoho, but wasn't very impressed with it. Writely was a lot easier to navigate and gave me some instructions to start out with. I also just happen to love Google. I have an email account with them and do almost all of my searching through Google. Even my blog turned out to be the beta form in Google!

I haven't even been out of college for a long period of time, but this would've been such a great thing to have then! I could have gone over to a friend's house, home for the weekend or even just from the dorm to the library and worked on papers without taking a disk with me. This is an excellent find. I'll have to remember it for grad school! I love that it keeps track of anything you put on here and as long as you have internet access, you can look at the documents or work on them. I haven't tried sending it to my email, but that's a nice option, too. I'm also writing this in Writely now, but I can post it to my blog...how great! I think I may use this the most out of the 18 things I've looked at so far.

I tried it out, Linda, and I was able to post the image. Check with me and we'll work on yours.


Originally uploaded by elittl304.
This is my dog, Ellie, who now lives with my parents in Mocksville, NC. I'm sharing this picture on my blog for two reasons. I really love this picture of little Ellie, and I want to play around with it in my blog to help out my friend, Linda. So, here we go!

Saturday, September 23, 2006


I thought this was very easy and fun to look through. I enjoyed reading people's comments on their favorites and, of course, I had to look through and see who I know on the Favorite Blogs page. I enjoyed being able to write what my favorite things are and letting other people know about it, too!


The book-lovers wiki was really easy to navigate and useful because you can add your own reviews. This would be an excellent source for for the library because patrons could read different reviews about books that we have. I don't necessarily like wikipedia because of the fact that anyone CAN change the information. I work in the children's department and children don't necessarily know that the internet is not always a reliable source. Because of that they tend to get information that isn't credible. I think widipedia could have this kind of reputation. The Library Success wiki is a great way to share ideas and encourage other members of our profession. I definitely think some things work better as wikis than others, but overall they're a great source!

#15-Library 2.0

To be honest, I've not even been an employee of the library for even six months yet. I was not an avid library-user before now and I am relatively young. I don't know a lot about how libraries were in the past, but I've seen a lot of great things happen in just the short time I've been here. I've learned a lot through our Learning 2.0 experience, personally, and have already recommended blogging to a patron. I think libraries definitely need to focus on the future and how we can continually accommodate our patrons. Having patrons learn and do things on their own not only makes them self-sufficient, but life-long learners, as well. I think it's our job to always keep people learning and experiencing new things. We're not just starting the journey, we're continuing on one that started a long, long time ago.


There were definitely different results of a keyword search for Learning 2.0 in blog posts, tags, and the blog directory. I got different people each time, which was actually helpful. I did see one of my co-worker, Lesley's, posts and it was about technorati. I explored the different options, popular blog, searches and tags. I have to put a link to Weird Al's White and Nerdy because it is so funny. It's a video, if you're interested. There were so many things to explore that I actually had to stop myself from searching!


This was such an exciting discovery! It allows you to look at some of your favorite websites whenever and WHEREVER you want. The nice thing is that it's just like your bookmarks on your computer, but you can take it anywhere. Sometimes I know I've forgotten what certain websites are simply because they're in my bookmarks and I don't have to remember the site (sort of like not even knowing your wife's cell phone number cuz it's in your cell phone and you don't have to remember it...thanks, David) so this is a lifesaver!


I made my own search engine!! Woo hoo! It's pretty neat to be able to search only the sites that you like and trust. It helps to really narrow down the search and not have to look through so many unwanted sites. I'm not sure how often I'll actually use this because the Search Engine I made up was for the hit TV show "Lost" but it was fun to do anyway :)


This is an exciting tool! It will be so great to add all of my books onto LibraryThing. It's such an easy tool and worth looking into. I love being this organized with my books! You can look up other people's books and it even gives you a list of people who have similar taste in books as you. I will definitely be using this tool a lot and sharing it with my friends and family who love to read. Be sure and check out my collection!

#10-Image Generators

This was a lot of fun! There are so many different image generators to choose from, it could take years to go through them all :) I had a good time with this one. I think one of my favorite image generators is the Random sign generator that I'm pretty sure was used in #6 "More Fun with Flickr."

Here is a link for this generator.

#9-Finding Feeds

I looked at all the different search tools we were given to find feeds. The most helpful one for me was Technorati. It seems extremely easy to use and very helpful in many ways. I was able to find all kinds of topics within other people's blogs. The other one I really liked was Topix.net. I love the News Front Page. I didn't care for Sindic8.com. The layout was hard to follow and I didn't think it was easy to navigate at all.

#8- Exploring RSS feeds

RSS feeds are great! It's so much easier to have all of the websites and pages that you visit everyday organized into one location. I did put a few of my co-workers blog addresses in my bloglines which will allow me to visit their sites everyday, too! I think I even figured out how to make mine public...we'll see! I did, however, put a link to bloglines on this post :)

My bloglines

Subscribe with Bloglines

#6-More Flickr Fun!

Originally uploaded by eason.
I loved this picture in the Krazydad colorpickr. I can see how so many of these 3rd party sites could be incredibly useful and just plain fun. I guess this one really intrigued me because you could print up some really cool pictures with the same color scheme to hang on your walls. I'm a big fan of decorating!

#7-Blog About Technology

Yahoo! Avatars

I really enjoyed creating my own avatar. This was something fun that I could spend time doing, but wasn't stressful! It was probably the easiest thing I've done yet and I get to post it on my fantasy football page as my team icon. Woo hoo!

#5-Flickr Fun

Originally uploaded by elittl304.
Well, it seems that I've figured out how to use flickr. It doesn't seem like it will be difficult at all now that I'm set up. This is my nephew, Ryder, doing a bellyflop at the beach last June. My sister, Robyn, took the picture...she actually took some great ones of the other kids, too, but I just loved this one!


As I was reading about the 71/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners, I started thinking about how much more I have to learn! There are many goals I set and wish to set, but often I don't follow through. Hopefully this will give me an opportunity to change that habit! I think the habit I find easiest would be viewing problems as challenges. Don't get me wrong, I can be just as negative as anyone else and I don't always have the "Pollyanna" attitude. However, I usually see the silver lining. After a difficult problem or situation I'm almost always grateful because I know that I've learned so much and can put it on my list of experiences.

The hardest habit for me is to have confidence in myself as a competent, effective learner. This is an action I would LOVE to make habitual! I don't have too much trouble believing that I can learn everyday tasks, but when you put it in a class format or make it more "official" sounding, my confidence dwindles. I'm going to try to "unlearn" my bad habits and implement new positive ones!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006